Useful References of TACT Rules

 TACT Rules

Sections: Information/Acceptance/Transportation charges/Service Charges/rates, charges and currency conversions/AWB/Country information/Carrier regulations.

  • Editorial – Any changes in the book comparing to the previous issue, can be seen in the editorial
  • Stop press – The changes informed by carrier has not mentioned in the book, due to the limitation of time and printing the book and mentioned in editorial page.
  • Secondary Cities – 1.2.6
  • Abbreviations and Special Handing Codes – 1.3.3/1.3.4
  • Controlled duplicate Airline Code – 1.4.1 – the sign of star (*) stands for duplicate code given by IATA to two different airline operating in two quite different geographical areas. It may be given due to the number of codes available to be given to the airlines.
  • Conversion of measures and weights – 1.6
  • Acceptance of Consignments from Agent/Shipper – 2.1.1
  • Shippers responsibility – 2.1.2
  • Carriers’ responsibility – 2.1.3
  • SDR = Special Drawing Rights – & Condition of the contract at the back of the AWB
  • Carrier can sign the AWB on behalf of the shipper , if the SLI has already been given by shipper to the carrier – 2.2.1.B
  • If the shipper does not show PP/CC on the SLI, it means he authorized the consignment to be forwarded on PP basis. – 2.2.1.B.2.11 &
  • ‘’Also Notify’’ can be reflected in the handling information and remarks column – 2.2.1.b.2.15 & 6.2.10.g
  • The amount of insurance or the declared value for carriage cannot be amended after dispatch of the goods – 2.6.1 & 3.2.1
  • Explanation about GCR/SCR/CCR/ULD Rates – 3.1
  • Valuation charges – 3.2
  • Precedence of rates and charges – 3.3

SCR takes precedence over CCR and GCR, CCR takes precedence over GCR.


When the general cargo rates applicable to the consignment is lower than the specific commodity rates, such lower rate can be applied except where the specific commodity rate has been established for items not covered by Class rate.


Where the GCR rate applicable for rebated items is lower than the CCR, the lower rate can be applied. Above reference &


For Surcharged items check: SCR/CCR

For Rebated items check: SCR/CCR/GCR

For General cargo check: SCR/GCR


  • Explanation of B & K rates – 3.5.2


  • Precedence of Specific Commodity Rates – 3.6.2

When a commodity can be classified and rated under more than one description, the most specific description shall prevail, even if this means a higher charge. However a less specific description applicable to both a lower weight break and higher rate may be used, until the more specific description and a lower rate becomes applicable.

  • Class Rates – 3.7
  • When two different percentages for CCR is available, one for origin and one for destination, the percentage of country of origin prevails. –
  • Charges for animal stalls – 3.7.3
  • Add-on & Lowest combination rules – 3.8 (Construction & Combination rates)

In add- on we have to note: GCR+GCR and SCR+SCR but in lowest combination different rates can be used and added together.

Through rates takes precedence over any lower construction of Add-on

Through rates achieved by add-on takes precedence over and lower combination rates


  • In add-on construction, if we construct over the point of destination, for finding the IATA area in add-on pages we have to consider the IATA area of point of origin and vice versa.
  • In case of no any rate available – 3.8.3 refer to Airline office/use the nearest city/mention that shipper will pay the charges.
  • Mixed Consignment – 3.9.2
  • A mixed consignment cannot contain VAL/AVI/HUM/DIP/baggage shipped as cargo/DG.
  • Calculation of the weight charge – 3.9.3

When goods qualifying for different rates consolidated in one packaging (e.g. container) the weight of such packaging shall be charged on the basis of the highest rated item in such packaging – 3.9.3.b

  • In a mixed consignment, if we have 1 kg of documents we have to use the N rate instead of M as the total weight of the consignment is more than minimum.
  • Chargeable weight – 3.9.3 rule for applying lower charge.
  • Volume weight – 3.9.4
  • Rounding off Centimeters – Kilograms –
  • Rounding off Inches-Kilograms –
  • Rounding off Inches-Pounds –
  • Calculation of weight charge – 3.9.5
  • Minimum Charge – 3.4
  • The amount of the AWB cannot be less than the minimum charge – 3.1.a
  • Unitized consignments and rates – 3.10
  • Pivot weights or minimum chargeable weight of ULD – 3.10.4
  • Different ULD types – 3.10.8
  • Small packages service – 3.12

Weight should not exceed 32, value should not be more than USD.1250, total sum of dimension should not be more than 229 CM, The maximum dimension of any side should not be more than 122 CM and it has to be on PP basis. If not flown on the specific flight the difference between the charge and applicable cargo rate will be returned to the shipper.

  • Rates mentioned in rate books do not include: Pick-up and delivery to/from the airport/Storage and warehouse/Insurance charges/COD service charges/Disbursements/custom charges/governmental penalties and taxes/repairing faulty packing/return to point of origin. 4.1.
  • Disbursement definition – 4.2
  • Disbursement shall not be more than weight charge of the AWB –
  • When the total weight charges is less than USD.100 , the disbursement fee up to USD.100 is acceptable –
  • Disbursement fee – 4.2.3
  • Insurance – 4.3
  • Documentation Charge – 4.4
  • Charges collect fee will not be shown on the AWB –
  • Rounding off units – Section 5.7
  • Rounding off procedure – 5.7.2
  • AWB is non-negotiable document and cannot be issued ‘’to order’’ – 6.1.3 & 6.1.6.d
  • AWB is documentary evidence of the contract between shipper and carrier/Proof of receipt of the goods/freight bill/certificate of insurance (if any)/guide for handling, dispatch and delivering. – 6.1.6
  • Shipper is responsible for completion of the AWB and correctness of the particulars related to the goods. 6.1.6.c
  • Check digit calculation – 6.2.1.c
  • An AWB can be re-used by the carrier after 12 months – 6.2.2
  • RCP = rate construction point shows in column 22a of the AWB –
  • SCI – Special Customs Information –
  • Charges collect possibility and fees – 7.2
  • DST = Daylight Saving Time
  • Loading charts – 8.2 The tables show the maximum dimension of the packages that can be loaded in bulk compartment of the aircraft. The figure in the middle is the maximum length of the piece.
  • Interchangeability of ULD’S – 8.2.3
  • Information by Carrier – 8.3